Introduction to IMBRA and Its Impact on Our Services

What is IMBRA?

The International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA) is a federal law enacted in the United States to protect the safety and rights of foreign individuals who seek to enter into marriage or relationships with U.S. citizens. IMBRA aims to address the risks associated with international matchmaking and introduction services and prevent potential abuses or exploitation of foreign clients.

Our Commitment to Compliance

At Meet Me Now Asia, we are committed to adhering to all applicable laws and regulations, including IMBRA. As an international matchmaking and introduction agency, we understand the importance of protecting the well-being and interests of our clients, both U.S. citizens and foreign nationals. IMBRA plays a crucial role in shaping our practices and guiding our client interactions, ensuring a transparent and safe experience for everyone involved.

How IMBRA Governs Our Relationship with Clients

  1. Information Disclosure to Foreign Clients: We must provide foreign clients seeking to marry U.S. citizens or residents with information about their potential partners. This includes any history of violent or abusive behavior by the U.S. citizen client. We ensure foreign clients receive this disclosure and understand their right to access such information.
  2. Obtaining Consent for Personal Contact Information Release: Before sharing a U.S. client’s personal contact information with a foreign client, we must obtain the U.S. client’s explicit consent. This step ensures that the privacy and security of our client’s personal information are protected.
  3. Conducting Background Checks on U.S. Clients: IMBRA requires us to conduct background checks on U.S. citizens who use our international matchmaking services. These checks help verify the U.S. client’s marital history and criminal background, helping to protect foreign clients from potential fraud or misrepresentation.
  4. Providing Educational Materials to Foreign Clients: We are responsible for providing foreign clients with educational materials that inform them about their rights and resources to protect themselves during the matchmaking process. These materials empower foreign clients to make informed decisions and safeguard their interests.
  5. Maintaining Confidentiality and Security: We must uphold strict confidentiality and security measures to protect all client information, including IMBRA-related disclosures. This involves safeguarding client data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse.
  6. Ensuring Compliance with U.S. Laws and Regulations: As an agency facilitating international relationships involving U.S. citizens, we must comply with all relevant U.S. laws and regulations, including IMBRA.
  7. Providing Client Support and Transparency: We are committed to offering our clients comprehensive support and maintaining transparency in all aspects of our services. We assist clients with any questions or concerns related to IMBRA and provide clear explanations of our processes.
  8. Staying Up to Date with IMBRA Amendments: IMBRA and its requirements may be subject to updates or amendments over time. It is our obligation to stay informed about any changes in the law and ensure ongoing compliance with the latest regulations.

Our Responsibility to Safety and Integrity

IMBRA’s regulations underscore our commitment to the safety and integrity of our matchmaking and introduction services. As a responsible agency, we take these obligations seriously and strive to create an environment of trust and respect for our clients.

Confidentiality and Security

We understand the sensitivity of personal information and the need for strict confidentiality. All client information, including IMBRA-related disclosures, is handled with the utmost care and stored securely to prevent unauthorized access.

Client Support and Transparency

If you have any questions or concerns regarding IMBRA or any aspect of our services, we encourage you to reach out. We are here to assist you throughout your matchmaking journey and provide transparent, reliable, and ethical services.

At Meet Me Now Asia, we believe that complying with IMBRA is not only a legal obligation but a fundamental principle guiding our commitment to client safety, transparency, and ethical practices. We are proud to foster meaningful connections between individuals from different cultures while upholding the highest standards of integrity and respect in all our endeavors.